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Points for attention in daily use of light-touch switch
 2019-12-29 9:26:17       乐清市金鼎电子科技有限公司

In this paper, four common methods of testing the performance of light-touch switch are introduced in detail, the specific contents are as follows: test method one of light-touch switch performance, moisture resistance test, method: put it in 402 °c 9095% rh environment for 4 days, place them in a normal environment and test them 30 minutes later. Test Standard: Contact Resistance, insulation resistance are in the standard range, and there is no sign of damage to the switch performance. Light touch switch performance test method 2, cold test, way: IN MINUS 203 °C temperature environment for 4 days, then put in the normal environment, 30 minutes after the test. Test Standard: contact resistance, insulation resistance are in the standard range, and there is no sign of damage to the switch performance. Test Method 3: High Temperature Resistance Test. Method: The product is stored for 2 ~ 3 minutes under the temperature of 280 ~ 30 °C, then the hand feeling and resistance are tested after heat dissipation. Test Standard: resistance, chocolate rebound, shape, etc. . There is no evidence of any damage. Switch performance remains intact. Test Method for light touch switch performance test method 4. SOLDER RESISTANCE TEST 1. Solderability test: Method: Soak the solder foot into the tin bath about 2 mm deep, test temperature about 2305 °C, and hold time about 30.5 seconds. Test Standard: More than 80% of the soaked feet will be covered with tin. 2. Solder Resistance Test: method: The temperature of solder is controlled at 2605 °C, and the holding time of pass welding is controlled at 350 ~ 30 °C when the substrate is hand welded for 51 seconds, time is 30.5 seconds but no abnormal pressure is applied to the weld foot. Test Standard: no distortion of the switch, to meet the electrical performance. Apply abnormal pressure, and the result is void.

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